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Life & Teachings of Brahmajna Ma in Bengali

Most of the teachings of Brahmajna Ma were recorded by her devotees in Bengali. The first translation into English was done by Shri Dhirendranath Sen, who translated the memoris of Swami Prabhupadananda and all the recorded teachings. Links to all the English publication and the orijinal Bengali records can be found on this site under "Books & Publications".


댓글 5개

Pranabendu Raychaudhuri
Pranabendu Raychaudhuri
2022년 2월 05일

Do you have this book "Brahmajna Mayer-Katha" available in any site ?🕉❤

Surajit Dasgupta
Surajit Dasgupta
2024년 7월 09일
답글 상대:

Dear Pranabendu Babu, trying to reconnect with you. How are you doing? Were you able to access the Bengali book?

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