Brahmajna Ma did not desire to have a following or form an order, but after She attained 'self-realization', several people became Her disciples, taking her to villages and cities and attending to Her through Her travels, till She ultimately departed in in 1934. Her earliest follower was her own younger brother Sri Jatindra Mohan Chakraborty. The moment of his realization that She was a Divine Being, is memorably described in the following excerpt from the book "Brief Life Story and Teachings of Brahmamoyee Ma":
"As her youngest brother, Jatindra Mohan fed her a little tepid milk with a spoon, his mind was dwelling on Mother's glorious state, which he had just witnessed and he said to himself, ‘Dear Mother, from my early childhood I have held you in respect, but my obeisance was incomplete till now. Today I am fully surrendering myself at your feet. Do please accept me as your own, dear Mother.’ The Divine Mother read Jatindra Mohan's thoughts and then recited the following lines in a rhythmic verse:
When from my own self I move very far away
I see you in many forms and call you by many names every day.
But on the day when there shall be no longer any difference between us
you shall merge with me and together we shall become a single mass.
At that moment Jatindra Mohan, who was then studying in the First Year of Intermediate Arts, experienced a total change of mental state. He gave up his studies and became Mother's constant companion, never leaving her side till She departed from this world. Adopting a life of renunciation, he
devoted himself to serving Mother and attending to Her needs as long as She lived."
Following were some of the other known early disciples of Brahmajna Ma:
Swami Prabuddhananda - who later moved to the ashram of Ramana Maharishi and compiled the first text written in English about Her Life and Teachings
Swami Omananda - who founded a Math and a school in Purulia in Her name and also recorded memories of Brahmagjna Ma's in Bengali
Swami Paramananda - who later moved to the ashram of Shri Anananda Moyee Ma, another divine saint from Bengal
Swami Swaswatananda
Swami Obogyananda
Shri Dhirendra Nath Sen - who with his family maintained the Nirban Math and also published the only known book available to the general public.
Shri Debi Prasad Mahato - one of the early disciples in Purulia, who also has given us a record of some of Her Teachings.
Swami Omakarananda - one who became a disciple after Mother's passing
As noted above, several of these disciples have left us written records of Brahmajna Ma's Life and Teachings. It is only through these books that we have any record of this Divine Being,
Today the legacy of Shri Shri Brahmajna Ma is being carried on the descendants of Shri Dhirendranath Sen, who oversee the Nirban Math in Deoghar and are the keepers of the Trust.