Brahmajna Ma did not want any biography her life to be written or her teachings propagated. However we are lucky that detailed notes were taken by Her devotees during Her discourses and seances. These notes have lead to the publication of several memoirs about Her Life and Teachings after Her passing - these are the sources for the information provided here. Links to scanned copies of these books and booklets are also provided below.
Front cover of 2024 reprint
Extract from Publisher's Preface of the book "Life and Teaching of Brahmagna Ma"
Author - Swami Prabuddhananda… edited by Sadhu Arunachala ..... published by Shri Dhirendranath Sen
"India in 1913 was full of prejudice and bigotry. During the summer vacation of that year I met Mother in my brother's house at Sachar - Dist. Tippera, and was amazed at Her discourses - fearless, free from prejudice and full of reason. That night the stages of Her Self-realisation, viz Concentraction and Brahmacharya and Her talks and felt none but a Person who passed through these stages could relate them in any details in the simplest Bengali without any reference to any religious book. I was convinced that She possessed the highest Power and would give us anything if She desired. She asserted that Brahma is the only Reality and all else is an illusion. She was indifferent and would not listen to worldly talks. Some young men with Western education were attracted to Mother at the time and received Her blessings and were permitted to attend Her and went with Her to different places and at last to Her native village where She remained till the middle of 1928. During this period, She stayed in Calcutta on several occasions and at times She came and lived with us in our hostel, and She sometimes lived in the house of my relations or rented houses and all along the favourite devotees were all in Her Service. The Divine Grace of Mother has descended like sun shine freely and equally on each and every devotee; in the degree one has faith, sincerity and surrender and in that degree he feels the Grace of Mother and is elevated in mind."
​Click here for a scanned copy of the original book>>
Click here for a scanned copy of Swami Prabudhananda memoirs>>​
Scanned covers of Swami Prabuddhananda's original handwritten memoirs as kept in the library of the Ramana Maharishi's Ashram where the memoirs were written.
Scanned book covers of some of the existing books
Other references in books, periodicals or websites
Announcement in a Bangla Desh newspaper about a spiritual meeting at the Bitara Ashram.
Brahmajna Ma is mentioned two times in the above book
A Newspaper Article