The main activities of Nirban Math, Deoghar, can be broadly described as follows:
Propagation of Brahmajna Ma's Life & Teachings - this is done through the maintenance of this website, translation and distributions of the existing books on Her life and techings
Balkendra - an after school program for nearby children
Daily puja - the daily puja is performed by a permanent pujari resident at the site
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Annual Utsavs - these are special celebration which include the performance of pujas and the feeding of residents of local villages, to celebrate special days such Mother's birthday, Day of Mother's Deha-Tyag, religious occasions such Swaraswati Puja etc
Charity and Social works - these include relief works during times of distress such as natural calamities and epidemics, school for children, and adult education classes for the upliftment of local populace.
This note from the 1963 Trustees highlights a desire to promote the Life and Teachings of the Mother for the betterment of humanity. It also calls for the undertaking of humanitarian works. These two aspects have been the focus of Nirban Math Deoghar at least since 1963.