Brahmajna Ma was a self realized saint of India, who lived amongst us for a brief period from 1880-1934. This website is a humble offering to preserve and propagate Brahmajna Ma's Life and Teachings. It is hoped that visitors to the site can find inspiration here to continue their own spiritual quest and journey.
The information presented here is based on the written memoirs of Her disciples and devotees, letters to and from her, and the collective memory of the family and descendants of Shri Dhirendranath Sen, one Her original devotees. This site also provides information on Nirban Math in Deoghar, Jharkhand, India. Nirban Math is maintained and run in Her honor by the family, friends and descendants of Shri Dhirendranath Sen. Brahmajna Ma is said to have personally blessed Shri Dhirendranath Sen and his family. These blessings continue to this date.
Visitors should note that Brahmajna Ma, Devi Ma, Thakurani, Manasha Thakurani, Siddha Thakurani, Ma (Mother) and Thakuma (Grand Mother) are various names that have been used by her devotees. In Purulia district of West Bengal, she is revered as Brahmamoyee Ma, and has various ashrams and Maths dedicated to Her with that name.
A Short History of Brahmajna Ma's life
Sri Brahmanjna-Ma was born during the early hours of the 21st of February, 1880 AD, in Bitara, a small village near Sachar, in the District of Tripura, now Bangladesh. She was named Kadamvini Devi by her father Abhaya Charan Chakravarti, who was a landholder of modest resources. She was a little over eight years of age when She was married to a Brahmin young man of Putia, a village nearby; but became a widow before ten and passed the early years of her life mostly in these two villages till She got self-realisation.
The Hindu inhabitants of the neighbourhood were either Saktas or Vaishnavas, but she, strangely enough intuitively followed the Jnana-vichar-marga (i.e. the path of Knowledge and Discrimination). We do not know of any other woman attaining Self-realisation by following this path in modern times. Even in ancient times followers of this path were very rare amongst women. This is a unique feature of Her Sadhana.
After Self-Realisation in 1912, Mother was taken to crowded localities, towns and cities and she became for some years a centre of attraction for the educated and religious public, but thereafter She preferred to live a quiet and retired life. During the last few years of Her life, She was practically an invalid and lived principally at Puri (Orissa), Baidyanath-Deoghar, Ranchi, (Bihar) and Calcutta, occasionally visiting Her native village. Mother also visited Dacca, Benares, Vizagapatam and some places in the Himalayas, near Darjeeling. However, She was not fond of travelling and all Her travels were under physicians' advice for the benefit of health.
Mother left Her body at a house in Wellington Town in Deoghar, on the 5th of November 1934, and an Ashram, named Nirban Math, was built in Deoghar in Her memory, for Her disciples and devotees to live and continue their spiritual practice.
Brahmajna Ma in her own words
Brahmajna Ma did not want Her life to be written and it seemed that the public would never have the benefit of knowing about Her. When the first edition of "Brahmajna-Mayer-Katha" was in the press, Brahmajna Ma was approached by the authors to tell them what should be written about Her life since none of them were venturing to write it. She asked Dhiren Sen to take down a few lines which were put in the introduction of that book. Translated into English, they are:
"She was naturally given to discrimination and was engaged in the search for Spiritual Truth. From her childhood, she used to think -
(i) where does a human being go and in what state does he remain after death, and whence does he come?
(ii) In nothing can peace be found in this world; what, then, is real peace?
In such thoughts she would then become immersed. And lastly, such thoughts as
(iii) who am I, what is this body, mind or Atma - used to engage her.
These are the three stages of Her Sadhana. Without the help of books or Gurus, by dint of pure discrimination and search for Truth, she tore asunder the meshes of Maya, overcame all doubts and attained Self-realisation."
Her Words on achieving Self-Realization
(from Brief Life Story and Teachings of Shri Shri Brahmamoyee Ma)
"Today I am filled with joy, today my happiness is unbounded.
I have no hunger, no thirst. I am devoid of birth, I am without any fear of death.
I am supremely radiant and everlasting - an embodiment of goodness and a personification of the supreme being.
I have learnt who I am, oh dear, I have learnt who I am and that is why I am so very happy today. "
"I am the supreme light, eternal benevolent ever conscious mind.
I am invincible, immortal. I am undeterred by fear of any kind,
I am undivided, inexhaustible, I am without any alternative
I am not mind, intellect or body, joy is my natural prerogative
I am devoid of hunger and thirst, I am bereft of vanity
I am free from all desires, I am an immutable identity
I have no father or mother, no son family or friend
I have no chores to perform, no birth, death, beginning or end"
Her Death or Final Samadhi
(from Brief Life Story and Teachings of Shri Shri Brahmamoyee Ma)
It was the moonless fortnight of the month of Kartik in the year of 1934 AD, the Divine Mother was looking quite cheerful that day. Time to time she was speaking a few words on the most intricate topics of Advaitabad (monotheism). She showed no inclination for any food. She was made to drink a little fruit juice with ice after a lot of coaxing. There was a radiant glow of happiness on her countenance even when she not speaking. In a subdued voice Mother started singing:
I am without alternative - undivided, inexhaustible
Untouched by age or ailment - I am devoid of fear
I am the innermost essence - the source of all origins
Never am I born - nor ever do I die
The assembled devotees and disciples started singing with Mother:
I am beyond the reach of time - ever existent
Never diminishing or expanding - I am equal everywhere
I am formless - and yet undivided in form
Devoid of the three mortal characteristics - yet I am whole, primordial
I have no fear or apprehension - no desire for salvation
Never any bondage - no pangs of childbirth
I am without shelter - in this whole universe
In my own thoughts I abide all the time
With the conclusion of the song, Mother fell into a trance. The disciples suddenly came back to their senses. They hurried frantically to bring her back from the trance but all their efforts were of no avail. Mother never came back from the trance."
A beautiful picturization of the tree under which Brahmagya Ma would meditate prior to self realization